Set Raaths FREE


Megan Raaths (21), who has maintained that her father, Abrie (Raaths), who is in prison since 2012 because of her rape, is innocent and now is supporting him in a last, desperate attempt to prove his innocence.

Together, they are approaching the Constitutional Court (Case # CCT-110/2022) to set aside his conviction and also request that the Children's Act be amended to prevent similar incidents.

Abrie, a father and husband from Pretoria, is serving four (4) life sentences (+20 years) for his daughter's rape. He's been behind bars for six (6) years. Father and daughter allege that social workers and other professionals conspired at the time to deceive the court and that no rape ever took place.

According to the latest court documents, Megan initially testified against her father, but even before the verdict in 2012, those acts never took place. She maintains that from 2009, as a girl of eight, she was "brainwashed" by social workers and other professionals to make the allegations against her father.

Justice for Raaths

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