Protect Alameda: Stop the Experimental Nuclear Facility at Alameda Point

We, the undersigned, urge the Alameda City Council in the strongest terms to reject the proposed lease agreement with Pacific Fusion for the construction of an experimental nuclear fusion facility at Alameda Point. If the Council moves forward with this lease, we will take every necessary action to protect our city from this potentially hazardous development, including launching a citizen-led initiative to overturn the decision. The undersigned are fully committed to opposing this facility and advocating for responsible development that prioritizes the health, safety, and future of Alameda residents.

An experimental nuclear fusion facility has no place next to our homes, schools, and coastline. Pacific Fusion plans to build an unproven technology at Alameda Point, introducing radioactive materials, fire hazards, and potential environmental risks into our community. Alameda must not become a testing ground for an experimental nuclear technology at the expense of its residents.

For the following reasons, and to safeguard the health, safety, and future of Alameda, we strongly urge the Alameda City Council to reject this proposed lease agreement and protect our community.


1. Too Close to Homes and Schools:

This facility would be located directly next to residential neighborhoods and schools, unlike other fusion research sites built further away for safety reasons. The risks of building an experimental nuclear project so close to families are too great.


2. Radioactive Tritium Contamination Risk:

The facility will use radioactive tritium, which could escape into the air and water. Prevailing winds could spread contamination across Alameda, creating potential long-term health hazards.


3. Fire, Explosion, and Equipment Failure Hazards:

The potential for high-powered electrical discharges could lead to multiple risks to the community, such as fire, catastrophic equipment failure, and explosions. Alameda’s seismic activity compounds the danger, making this site an unsuitable location.


4. Environmental and Social Injustice:

Alameda Point already has some of the city’s worst environmental toxicity. Placing a hazardous facility here contradicts Alameda’s commitment to environmental justice and adds to the burden of an already impacted area


5. Potential Harm to the Bay and Marine Life

Waste runoff and cooling water discharge could introduce pollutants into the Bay, potentially disrupting fragile ecosystems and harming marine life. Alameda has worked hard to restore its coastal environment, and this project may pose a risk to that progress.


Alameda must not be used as a testing ground for an experimental nuclear facility that could threaten public health, safety, and the environment. We call on the Alameda City Council to reject this lease agreement with Pacific Fusion at Alameda Point

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