**Petition to Upgrade the Wallkill Convenience Store Amazin Mart**

**Petition to Upgrade the Wallkill Convenience Store Amazin Mart**

APPLICATION of_EK Dant LLC 32 Express (Planning Board Referral) for a Special Permit to replace an existing convenience store structure with a NEW 3600 square foot convenience store. The structure is a pre-existing non-conforming use in the RR Zone.

We, the undersigned, are in full support of upgrading the existing building of Wallkill's convenience store, Amazin Mart. This essential local business serves as a cornerstone of our community, providing vital goods and services to residents and visitors alike.

An upgrade to the building will:
- Improve the overall shopping experience.
- Ensure the store can continue to meet the needs of our growing community.
- Enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the store.
- Support local economic growth and job creation.

We believe these improvements are necessary and beneficial for all who rely on Amazin Mart.

Please join us in showing support for this important initiative to enhance our community's cherished convenience store.


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