We the residents, citizens & men and women electors of Townsville and Queensland hereby petition the State Government to immediately reinstate Mr Troy Thompson as Mayor of Townsville.

Mr Thompson is our duly elected Mayor and has our full backing and confidence.

We believe the recent decision to suspend the Mayor is in breach of the Local Government Act 2009.

We believe the decision to suspend was politically motivated, without merit, and was driven by the self interest of certain individuals and entities rather than for the good of our region.
We believe the 'show cause notice' issued to the Mayor by the then Local Government Minister, Megan Scanlon MP relied on correspondence, communications and conversations that have never been tested by cross examination.

Reasonable belief' in law implies a suspension in accordance with the ACT would constitute a tribunal based hearing and in the absence of any such hearing or adverse findings by an unbiased independent authority we believe the suspension of the Mayor is without precedent, is unjust and without lawful cause.

We believe the action to suspend Mr Thompson is a gross miscarriage of justice.

Since being elected, Mayor Thompson has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the role of Mayor by being compassionate, authentic, very transparent and discerning and we demand he be reinstated forthwith as Mayor of Townsville.


Please help us convince the State Government that Mayor Troy Thompson has the community support and confidence in his leadership ability. Please sign our petition to show the State Government that the people do not agree with the unlawful treatment of our duly elected Mayor.

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