Petition to make Cseppkő street one-way

Cseppkő Street in the Second District was once a quiet and comfortable place. Today, however, it is becoming increasingly unliveable for the people who call it home. In recent years, increased traffic has led to consistent traffic jams, which are now happening almost daily. The street, which once was everything residents wanted and needed it to be, cannot handle the deluge of cars it now faces.

Cars park along the edges of Cseppkő Street, which makes the two-way traffic even worse. Manoeuvring in a narrow street is a daily challenge for drivers, and something that provides the families living there with a consistent source of vengeance. Additionally, navigation software often recommends this street as an escape from the main roads, which brings even more traffic to the area.

This situation cannot stand. Every Cseppkő Street resident deserves comfort and peace, things which the street used to provide. That is why I have started a petition to make Cseppkő Street a one-way street again. It is my hope that this will reduce traffic and bring back the formerly peaceful feeling once enjoyed on the street, while at the same time ensuring that the people who live there again feel at home.

Now is the time to take back control of our area. I believe the future of Buda is at stake!

More information:

Miklós Péter - Képviselőjelölt    Contact the author of the petition

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