Petition to lower the speed limit to 60km/h throughout Whitebear

With recent deaths and accidents killing not only my uncle but wildlife as well this petition is to have the speed limit moved to 60 km/h for the entire stretch of highway#9 through Whitebear First Nations Saskatchewan 

as most of you well know this stretch of highway is frequented by pedestrian all day long everyday and everyone of them has a story of a close call or witnessing an accident on these roads 


my reasoning for this limit is ... by law you are required to drive no faster that 60km/h when passing police or other workers on the highway In order to keep them safe ....

If anything higher than 60km/h is too fast to pass a police office or worker on the road
Anything higher than 60 is too fast to pass our people as well



Christopher Bigstone    Contact the author of the petition

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