Petition to Have These DRPS Police Officers Identified , Fired, and Charged!

C1E524A5-8261-49E3-B6E7-16DDFEC27B6C.pngIn May of 2019, The DRPS responded to a call in the Taunton and Thickson area of Whitby to what the police described as "distraught male in the area, possibly armed with a knife." What had transpired as can be seen in the video above is police taking down the teen, restraining him by putting a knee to his neck, and punching him several times in the back despite being down already. This video was shown on news stations in Canada a year ago but has resurfaced in light of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. When invested by the Office Of Independent Police Review Director or otherwise know as the OIRPD, they had deemed the two officers in the video were "following protocol". It is important to note that this man (who is being unidentified in respect to the family) was only 16 years old at the time and they determined that choking a boy by having your knee on his neck and punching him in the back was again "following protocol". In an interview with his mother, she said that her son's face had been badly bruised and the DRPS are misrepresenting the situation. I create this petition today to see justice be served, these police officer identified, charged and fired if not already done so. This is a clear showing of assault on a high school kid and it should be a jury that determines whether or not they are guilty, not the OIRPD!!

Corey Lakshmanaswamy    Contact the author of the petition

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