Petition to Ed Sniffen, acting Alaska Attorney General to Join Texas Lawsuit

We, the people of Alaska, hereby request Ed Sniffen, acting Alaska Attorney General, in the name of election integrity,  to seek solidarity with the state of Texas in their lawsuit against the following states.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.

We, the people, petition such action because the aforementioned states failed to follow constitutional laws while conducting the election of November 3rd, 2020 which resulted in the following.

1. Disenfranchisement of the people of the State of Alaska and their popular and electoral votes as well as all other states.

2. Total loss of federal election integrity.

3. Unlawful election certification.

4. Endangerment to the stability and future of our constitutional republic.


We, the people, who sign this petition, do so in total agreement with the contents of this petition in its entirety and seek remedy through Ed Sniffen, acting Alaska Attorney General.



William Holden Van Hoose    Contact the author of the petition

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