Petition for the protection of the Vltavska metro station concrete cascades spot

We, members of the Foreign parkour community, supporting the Czech parkour community, based on the official organization of the Czech Association of Parkour, z. s. (ČAPk), as well as other public, demand that the concrete cascades at the Vltavská metro station be preserved during the new planning of the Vltavská Philharmonic and surrounding buildings, or that changes be consulted with representatives of the Czech parkour community, ie ČAPk.

The Vltavská concrete cascades are an integral part of the national parkour history, the first training meetings were held here (since 2006) and several world-renowned Czech tracers and parkour representatives were born here. For Czech tracers, the Vltavska metro station cascades is a Mecca that everyone should visit at least once in a lifetime. Spot Vltavská is a highly sought-after training place of global importance for both national and foreign parkour communities.

By signing the petition, I am voting in favor of preserving the genius loci of this place and including the current form of the place in the planning so that the parkour community can continue to use it for training.

Česká asociace parkouru, z. s. (ČAPk) / Czech Association of Parkour, represented by president CAPk - Mgr. Michal Filipin    Contact the author of the petition

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