Petition for Solidarity, Respect, Coexistence, and Tolerance: Combating X/Y-Phobia and Upholding Universal Rights!
More than ever, we must stand up for respect and coexistence against hatred, threats, violence, and intolerance! In light of the escalating Islamophobia, whether it involves the ban on veils, Quran burning, or other human rights violations!
We are deeply concerned about the ongoing developments in Sweden that have changed our perception of a society we no longer recognize. We see an increase in violence and social unrest. The escalating and unacceptable violence and hatred in our society shake and deeply scare us. The Quran, like many other religious books, is sacred to most believers. Burning the Quran is not only an insult to many Muslims' self-image but also an infringement on one's integrity and sense of security. Through this petition, we, as responsible citizens of Sweden, not only want to draw attention to the current social climate but also emphasize the importance of collectively working toward universal respect for others' lives and safeguarding the well-being, freedoms, and responsibilities of all.
We firmly believe that freedom of speech cannot be meaningful if it is not accompanied by genuine responsibility for every individual's right to "social peace," well-being, security, and safety. It is also crucial that we understand that phobias and hostilities are clear symptoms of a lack of knowledge, compassion, and respect for the equal rights and responsibilities of "the others."
Religions and politics are strongly influenced by how people interpret and act upon their beliefs. Despite the differences between different religions and ideologies, there are often many common factors and traits.
Sweden has long enjoyed peace and tranquility, but that is no longer the case! This affects our health and, even more so, the safety and development of our children.
Furthermore, we want to highlight the significant contribution that Islam, Muslims, and women have made throughout history to enrich our shared civilization. An example of this is the world's first recognized university, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, founded by a Muslim woman in Fez, Morocco, in 859; Al Quaraouiyine University. There are countless efforts and contributions that speak to the positive and constructive influence that diverse backgrounds and beliefs can have on our societies.
We sincerely hope that all responsible individuals and organizations can support our petition now and thereby demonstrate their genuine commitment to actively combating Islamophobia and other hateful tendencies to promote respect and tolerance in our society.
Together, we must come in solidarity to create a future where everyone can live and thrive in harmony and prosperity, regardless of our different backgrounds and beliefs.
- Before 1970, Sweden had protection against religious insults in the law on religious peace ("lagen om trosfrid" - previously the law against blasphemy). When the law was repealed in 1970, it was believed that the law on incitement to racial hatred would provide satisfactory protection against the violation of religious values. / from
In summary, it is important to remember that freedom of speech is not absolute and that there are limits and restrictions to ensure harmony, order, and protection for the well-being of our society.
Today, it is more necessary than ever for our societal leaders to examine, evaluate, and update our rules and laws to promote the prosperity and stability of our country.
To survive as a species, we must also learn to accept differences as long as they do not harm our fellow human beings and our societies. We must truly strive to coexist in harmony and peace.
Heinrich Heine once said, "Where they burn books, they will also, in the end, burn people." This quote is a reminder that we cannot allow hatred and intolerance to flourish and spread.
We say No to:
- Irresponsible freedom of speech, social unrest, marginalization, extremism, threats, hatred, and violence.
We say Yes to:
- Coexistence, respect, responsible freedom of speech, order, security, and safety.
Thank you for your invaluable support! Your voice is necessary to combat the escalating violence and hatred against differences in our society. By signing, you demonstrate the necessary responsibility and commitment to a society where we can all live and thrive in peace, harmony, and prosperity.
Moroccan Women's Association ANDALOUS
SMIF - Scandinavian-Moroccan Interest Foundation
Atlas Barnens Center in Stockholm
Naima SMIF Contact the author of the petition