I, Mr Rajen Reddy, homeowner of residence unit 35 Weavers Nest recently erected a wall as a continuation of the existing wall between unit 34 and 35 Weavers Nest respectively. The purpose of the wall is to protect the privacy of my family. The buildings are such that the windows of the bathroom and bedroom of the 2 units are directly facing each other and therefore infringes on our privacy. They are in close proximity thereby allowing access to view into each other’s bathroom and bedroom. The trustees insist that the wall be taken down as it is not allowed on the rules.


We, the undersigned, as also concerned residents of the abovementioned complex, agree that the wall between the houses in the complex is a solution to the important human right of privacy for each and every individual. We support this petition to have the wall remain and not taken down between unit 34 and 35 Weavers Nest respectively.

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