Petition for Reopening of Personal Services & Aesthetics Businesses with High Safety & Sanitation Standards


We Personal Care Service centers, such as aesthetics & facial care businesses, were included in the April 28 IATF list of business that can reopen.   However, we were removed form the list released last May 13.  

We believe our business is part of mental wellness and as such is equally important as physical wellness, and therefore answers a need of our society.

This petition aims to develop policies and guidelines covering the new normal. We would like to work with the government to stop the spread of Covid-19, but at the same time save a lot of businesses from closing down and keep providing employment to our staff.

With this petition comes an oath and responsibility from  Personal Care Services business owners to follow strict sanitation and safety protocols as follows:



  • Implement thorough disinfection before re-opening and everyday during opening and closing  times using EPA-registered disinfectants.
  • Post Signs at entrances for sanitary & prevention guidelines.
  • Implement cashless payments as much as possible.
  • Provide hand-washing area for clients as soon as they enter
  • Every facial chair/bed shall be spaced at least 2 meters apart with a protective partition in between each client facility.
  • Sanitation mats will be installed at the entrance of the Personal Care Center.  Everyone entering shall step on the mat to ensure their footwear are sanitized before entering.
  • All facial chairs/beds should be covered with disposable or sanitazable sheet and should be changed after every client. All tools shall be sanitized before and after.



  • All services must be pre-booked (no walk-ins). No appointment, no entry. 
  • No companions of clients are allowed to enter the personal care center.
  • Ask clients of any symptoms during phone bookings and reminder calls. Cancel any booking with client's that are feeling sick.
  • Temperature check will be imposed and recorded for everyone entering the center. 
  • All clients must be wearing a mask upon entering, and keep it on if the service required allows for it. 



  • Continuously train staff in properly wearing, removal & discarding or sanitation of PPE
  • Only 1 salon attendant shall service the customer at a time and will not be allowed to attend to another customer while he/she has not completed the service of her current customer.
  • Only salon personnel that have bookings for the day shall be allowed to be present in the salon (based on advance bookings).
  • All staff inside the center must wear a face masks, face shields, hair covers, Body Covering such as PPE gowns and gloves
  • Implement procedures to recognize sick patients or employees and quickly separate and quarantine. Have a hotline number ready to call in case staff is experiencing symptoms.
  • No staff will be allowed to go to work if they are feeling sick, and should be placed in quarantine for additonal 2 weeks after symptoms.


We hope that the opening of Personal Care Centers (aesthetics & facial care), especially those with sanitation protocols and guidelines in place, will be reconsidered. These business are in the brink of closure, if will not be allowed to reopen soon. A lot of employees will lose their source of income.

Please help us by signing this petition, and praying that our plea will be heard by our government.



Professional Aesthetician Association of the Philippines    Contact the author of the petition

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