Petition for Family Unity - Claire Jean Fernhold.


Dear Friends and family,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your valuable support for my petition, which holds immense significance in keeping my family together during my green card application journey.

As I embark on the process of applying for a green card, I am faced with the possibility of being separated from my beloved family if my waiver request is denied. This prospect weighs heavily on my heart, as my family means everything to me, and being apart from them would be truly devastating.

I want to assure you that I am a law-abiding and responsible individual, committed to being a positive contributor to society. Throughout my stay in this country, I have upheld the values of good moral citizenship and have consistently strived to foster a safe and harmonious community for everyone.

The purpose of this petition is to request the authorities to consider my case with compassion and understanding. I firmly believe that by staying with my family, I can continue to contribute to society in a meaningful and productive manner.

Your support in signing this petition would mean the world to me and my family. By adding your signature, you will help demonstrate that there is a network of caring individuals who recognize the importance of keeping families together and believe in providing deserving individuals the opportunity to pursue their dreams while maintaining strong family ties.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and consider my plea. Together, we can make a difference and help me achieve my dream of being a permanent and valued member of this great nation without being separated from my loved ones.

Claire Jean Fernhold    Contact the author of the petition

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