Formal Petition: Requesting a Rewrite or a Resolution for Math 112 Semester Test

We, the students of NWU, urgently petition for action to address the widespread difficulty and unfairness experienced in the recent Math112 semester test. The tests extreme complexity left us feeling unprepared and overwhelmed, resulting in poor performance across majority of students. This is not an isolated issue affecting a few students, but rather a widespread concern shared by the entire students of Math 112.

We refuse to accept these results as a fair representation of our knowledge and effort. Therefore, we demand a way forward to rectify this injustice. We call upon the Dean and Lecturers to reconsider the assessment's weighting or explore alternative solutions to ensure fairness and transparency moving forward.

By signing this petition, you stand with us in demanding accountability and a fair resolution to this matter. Together, let us advocate for a way forward that upholds the integrity of our education and ensures equal opportunities for all students.

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