Petition on high Electricity tariffs increase and incorrect Billing system in BCMM

Screenshot_20240722_222147.jpgWe, as rate payers and residents of Buffalo City Municipality (BCM)oppose the unjust and exhorbitant increases in electricity tariffs and cost of supply electricity charges, effective 1st July 2024. The cost of supply charge is a new tariff that has been imposed on pre-paid meter users, at a cost of R465 per month.  This is a base, fixed monthly cost to access pre-paid electricity, over and above the 15,3% increase in the cost of electricity.

The basic service charges for small businesses of R1283.17 and larger businesses of R2763.20, payable whether or not electricity is used, were never discussed with local business. Postpaid accounts have also been severely affected by such increase.   

1. We demand a transparent and inclusive consultation process with all stakeholders regarding these charges. We request the Buffalo City Municipality to engage with the community and reconsider these tariff hikes.

2. We also demand that BCMM reviews the issue of Debt write off, have a consultative engagement with business so as to implement correctly

3. We also demand BCMM to review the incorrect billing system and provide an accuate billing system.

By signing this petition, we call on the Mayor and the mayoral council of Buffalo City Metro to review the implementation of these exhorbitant increases and consider a process of public participation, to review the billing system, to reconsider debt write off for business  

Your signature today will reinforce the call to review the above issues and further support the call for a public participation process. 

Lets  protect our rights by  signing this petition.

Rate Payers & Residents of BCMM    Contact the author of the petition

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