Passengers right to have Public Railway Traffic

The right to petition is a constitutionally guaranteed human right defined in Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia

Dear passengers, workers, pupils and students,

we invite you to join us with your signature petitions: RIGHT TO RAILWAY Roads

The new annual timetable that came into force on 11/ 12./2016 for many workers, pupils and students, who mostly use the services of passenger transport by rail, is disabled to use. Our civil right to regular transport by rail become violated human right.

The new ANNUAL 2016/2017 timetable has not adapted to the real the needs of workers, pupils and students, who mostly have a monthly ticket and represent the largest payers of passenger rail transport.

For this reason, at the initiative of the passengers from the Zmajevo and the surrounding areas, Ravno Selo, Kucura and Backo Dobro Polje, who also use the passenger rail transport from the station of LC Zmajevo, hereby demand that the time interval from 15:00 6 to 19:02 in the interval 22:00 to 23:00 introduce additional departures of trains from NOVI SAD, KISAČ, STEPANOVIĆEVO, ZMAJEVO, Vrbas.

The time difference between the departure of the train towards the Vrbas, Kula and Sombor and in the afternoon from four hours a severe violation of basic human rights on public transport, in a well-kept country as Serbia aspires to be.

Municipality of Kula and Sombor are also affected by the new timetable. From the Station of Novi Sad are only 4˘departures per day, at 05:54, 11:23, 17:04 and 19:23. and from Novi Sad, only three of departure for the Kula and at 07:17, 12:52 and 19:02. It is necessary to add the one time of departure from the tower between 05:54 hours and 11:23 hours in the morning and departure from Novi Sad oko16: 00 in the afternoon.

In accordance with the applicable standards of existing law and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia we hope for a positive resolution of the new situation and alleviate all the more pronounced discrimination against the rural population.

In accordance with the above, we have asked all of these we delivered the text petitions and signatures, to give to us, in writing, the answer as a part of our rights.

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