WE ARE OPPOSED to the City of McKinney Planning & Zoning change request, case number 20-0074Z, which proposes to change long-standing zoning in the center of five established McKinney residential neighborhoods to allow for the construction of an indoor/outdoor 37,000 square-foot wedding event center intended to host large gatherings of up to 800 guests per event.

The property being targeted is the undeveloped tract of land on the southwest corner of Virginia Parkway and Lake Forest Drive.

This proposed rezoning and business would impose recurring day and EVENING disturbances of the peace, including outdoor large-crowd gatherings, celebratory noise, music, dancing, and alcohol consumption in the center of five adjoining, established residential neighborhoods. The long-term negative effects would impact residents surrounding the property and beyond, and should be of particular concern for anyone who has teen drivers attending McKinney Boyd High School, which is only one block from the proposed event center.

The property developer, who is not a McKinney resident, has made it abundantly clear that he intends this center to cater to "upscale" people and host specific types of wedding events that traditionally include several hundreds of guests at a time (up to 800) and that can last for several days in a row.

Hundreds of homeowners who live directly beside or in close proximity of this tract of land purchased their homes over the years on the promise that their City government would honor the original zoning intended for this property, which is SMALL, DAY OFFICE SPACE WITHOUT OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT.

We are not opposed to a planned, sustainable business growth model within established business areas in and around McKinney. WE ARE OPPOSED to arbitrarily changing long-standing residential zoning to allow large businesses to infiltrate our neighborhoods, and in this case, a PRIVATE, LUXURY EVENT CENTER that will NOT benefit or be patronized by the majority, if any, of the homeowners who surround this venue. In essence, this venue offers no commercial value for these neighborhoods but will nonetheless disrupt the peace and tranquility of these neighborhoods and forever alter the City's original long-term growth vision designed to keep "McKinney Unique by Nature."

We urge the City of McKinney Planning and Zoning and City Council to OPPOSE this and future similar rezoning requests in our neighborhoods.

For reference, please review case documentation


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