Opposition to ACHA Trying to Remove Warden from Lochgair Place

ACHA is trying to remove the services of the warden from the Sheltered Housing complex in Tarbert (Lochgair Place) This means that the elderly people who live there will no longer get a daily visit from someone who knows them, and whom they trust. 


ACHA are also asking the tenants to sign up for their new Wellbeing Service, which costs £16 per week, to get an hour of someone's time if assistance is required for filling in forms, accessing welfare benefits, etc. We reject this suggestion.


The residents of Lochgair Place are asking you to sign this petition in opposition to ACHA's proposals. The residents value the services of the warden. We would like to keep our warden (Dee Hatton) and reject ACHA's proposals to turn Lochgair Place into Amenity Housing, and downgrade it from Sheltered Housing.


Tarbert keeps losing local amenities. We cannot accept that turning Lochgair Place into Amenity Housing, with no warden, is in the community's best interests.


We also cannot accept that charging people £16 a week for an hour's help (even in weeks when they don't take advantage of the hour) is acceptable in any way.

Tess Gregory/Janice Gale (Residents of Lochgair Place)    Contact the author of the petition

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