Oppose the promotion of homosexual pride at the Somerset Hills YMCA

We the undersigned firmly believe that the topics of homosexuality, transgenderism, and gender identity are religious and moral issues.  The Somerset Hills Young Mens's Christian Association( aka The "Y") should absolutley not be actively promoting homosexual pride, transgenderism, gender fluidlty, or any other gender or sexual orientation related issues. 

 In so doing, the Young Men's Christian Association is directly undermining and contradicting the very religous beliefs and moral teachings that  our young and impressionable children are being taught by their parents in their homes.  Our children are often left at the Y for many hours for day camps and other activities without parental supervision.  

We hereby implore Dr. David Carcieri the board members of the Somerset Hills YMCA to immediately stop the promotion of these senstivie issues that undermine what we are teaching our children in our homes.   Again these are religious and moral issues that have no businsess being actively promoted at a public YMCA.

Robert J Bruzzichesi    Contact the author of the petition

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