Online attendance always an available option for all SCSA General Meetings

It is important that Sunshine Coast Sports Aviators General Meetings are conducted inclusively for all members. Members deserve to access meetings regardless of their location at the time of a meeting. It has become common and acceptable practice in many associations to use online technology to maximise attendance.  Our club, SCSA, already regularly uses online technology for committee meetings. 

This petition is about extending that right to members for all General Meetings especially for the up and coming 2024 AGM.

Clause 20 of the club’s Constitution says that only members present in person shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting. Under Part 6, Division 1, Section 56 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (copied below), technology may be used for general meetings rather than face to face. Members are deemed to be present when using technology.

Sign this petition if you are an SCSA member and want the committee to agree that all general meetings will always include the option of online participation and voting and that this should apply immediately so that the 2024 AGM is accessible to all members online if they so choose.

From Associations Incorporation Act 1981:

Meetings using communication technology

(1) An incorporated association may hold meetings, or permit members to take part in its meetings, by using any technology that reasonably allows members to hear and take part in discussions as they happen.

Example of use of technology—teleconferencing

(2) A member who participates in a meeting under subsection (1) is taken to be present at the meeting.

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