One more patch for Dark Souls III

  1. Fume Ultra Greatsword+5: base damage up (260→278),
    can no longer be enchanted

  2. Steady Chant/Chant from the Depths: Duration up (15s→20s), also affected by Lingering Dragoncrest ring

  3. Sage's Crystal staff:Steady Chant increases sorcery damage (1.3x→1.4x)

  4. Murky Longstaff: Chant from the depths increases dark sorcery damage (1.2x→1.3x)

  5. Scholar's Candlestick: Increases sorcery damage (1.1x→1.2x) (1.15x in PvP)

  6. Rose of Ariandel: Weapon art Awakening: Miracle damage UP 1.2x→1.25x

  7. Greatshield of Glory stamina regeneration rate down -20s→-15s

  8. Using a weapon with guard(=shield) up consumes less stamina, lesser knockback, no chip damage, how it works in dsI(PvE only)

  9. Soul Stream: Damage up 1.3750x (0.8x→1.0x, 1.2→1.8x Spell buff

  10. Affinity: Damage up ~1.1667x (0.6x→0.7x), FP cost up (40→45)
    Homing Crystal Soulmass: Damage up ~1.0769x (0.65x→0.7x)

  11. White Dragonbreath: FP cost down (25→20)

  12. Firestorm: Damage up ~1.2571x (1.75x→2.2x)
    Chaos storm: Damage up ~1.3333x (1.95x→2.6x)

  13. Carthus Beacon duration 30s→40s

  14. Divine Pillars of Light: Damage up ~1.2632x (1.9x→2.4x)

  15. Miracle Wrath of the Gods: Slightly increase cast speed

  16. Miracle Vow of Silence: Duration up 15s→20s

  17. Fix following glitches:
    The bow glitch
    Estus cancel
    Summoning cooldown not happening with a password summon
    Moveset swap

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