One last dance: Save Kebra Ethiopia Sound System

To: Kebra Ethiopia Sound System /Management

We, the undersigned, urge you to reconsider the closure of [Kebra Ethiopia Sound System] without giving the community one last opportunity to come together and celebrate its 20-year legacy.

Reasons for this petition:

- Kebra Ethiopia Sound System has been an integral part of our community's cultural fabric for 20 years.

- The sound system has provided a platform for local artists, promoted reggae music, grew the love of stepping and fostered a sense of unity among music lovers.

- Closing without a farewell event would deny fans a chance to say goodbye and celebrate the sound system's impact.

We respectfully request:

- A one-time farewell event to honor [Kebra Ethiopia Sound System ]'s legacy.

- An opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate 20 years of music, love, and unity.

Signature:_S.G Nkosi

Name: _Smangele Nkosi

Contact Information :_0732688925

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