Objection to the extension of traveller site in Chiswell Green


The signatures below would like to object to the proposed planning application  5/2013/2986 submitted to St. Albans council on the 4/11/2013.  The below link shows the plans 


We would like to object to this based on the following reasons- 

1) Inappropriate development  - This application contradicts national policy which clearly states that inappropriate development is harmful to the greenbelt and should not be approved.  Traveller site (temporary or permanent) in the green belt are considered inappropriate development.  As an unlawful development has already started by the clearing of trees on this site by the applicant, these should be replanted asap till planning is fully approved 

2) Conflicts with the national policy framework - Paragraph 89 states that construction of new buildings in the greenbelt is defined as inappropriate except for the following: buildings for agricultral and forestry, provision for outdoor sports, small extensions to existing buildings on the site.  The proposed change of land does not comply with any of the above national guidelines so is defined as inappropriate development within the greenbelt and should not be approved

3) Educational infastructure - The council have a legal duty to educate children, as some of the pitches are marked as touring is it practical to expect local schools to take on children as and when required ?.  Killigrew, the local primary school in Chiswell green is already excessively oversubscribed and has already had to take a triple class intake in the past few years to meet the demands of children already living in Chiswell Green and the surronding areas.  These additional permanent pitches and added touring pitches will only add to the increasing number of school shortage places in the area 

3) Provisions already in place - In the surronding area there are already sites at Redbourn, Parkstreet, Bricket wood and Smallford, and this provides sufficient provisions

4) Highway concerns - Chiswell Green Lane is hardly wide enough in places for two cars to pass, assuming every touring caravan has two cars, plus whatever vans, lorries, diggers etc will be used use in their work, will result on a continueous flow of traffic and the local roads will become increasingly overcrowded and possibly dangerous.

5)  Residential affects - As this site is located in a predominately small residential area, the development will introduce a diverse element that is likely to result in increased noise, disturbance and nuisance to those living nearby with caravans constantly moving in and out of the site

6) Prior application refusals - Other recent applications for a gated housing estate in the vicinity and a school playing field with associated brick built changing rooms, have been objected to for exactly the same reasons as above.  Planning permision at this address 73 chiswell green lane has already been refused in previous years  for the erection of an outbuilding ( details on Council website)

 For the above reasons we strongly object to this application and sincerly hope that this applicaton is recommended for refusal


Once signed can you please go onto the council website and leave any additional comments you wish to express or even reinforce any of the above



Chiswell Green Residents    Contact the author of the petition