No testing on animals!

The subject discussed here is a taboo of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. The question analyzed in this work is: "Should animals be used in scientific research and laboratory testing?". Animal protection entities are assuring the end of this evil practice.

Most of the substances that make up the products of the day to day, from drugs to cosmetics, needed to be thoroughly tested to ensure toxicological safety. Many of these tests have been done over the centuries without any concern for animal welfare.

Due to being a matter of great importance, several groups, entities and institutions emerged during this time for the liberation of these animals and their defense. The best known is PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) which is a non-governmental environmental organization that promotes education on the subject, research, research, animal rescue, celebrity involvement and protest campaigns, which has more than 2 million members.

Many cosmetics we use comes with animal composition, mainly in products for skin, hair, nails, makeup etc. With this, most of the products we use for beauty or health come from animal origin, undergoing laboratory tests involving the suffering of animals, in which many of us humans usually forget about it. So if we used more vegan products we would have less risk of skin aggression and causing allergies, that is, they are the right environmentally friendly products.

Many companies that have the name of vegan really are not, because instead of these own companies conducting the tests, they hire other companies that will perform the tests, but without using the contractor's name, so care is needed when looking for vegan products and companies.

These experiments in laboratories in which they cause ill-treatment of animals, tends to disrespect the other species of living beings that exist, putting humans on a higher level, something that we are not, since for all there tends to be equality, whether human beings or animals.

Soon, we realize that there is an urgency to abolish this type of test, since all beings deserve their proper place in the sun, with respect, affection and dignity, especially animals that both receive mistreatment for our own delight, something extremely wrong. Thus, the most correct way for this to no longer happen is by abolishing this form of "animal slavery" so that all living beings are in perfect harmony.

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