Say NO! to radioactive waste near Una River in Croatia, tributary of Sava and Danube Rivers

Civil initiative to support the People of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in their efforts to stop the deposition of radioactive and other toxic wast near Una river - Danube's distant trbutary.

Una River is tracing the international border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, further draining into the Sava River.

The Sava River is tracing an international border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, further between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia to further drain into the Danube River - the longest river in the European Union.

Danube River further flows through Boulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine before draining into the Black Sea.

Čerkezovac, Trgovska gora as a targeted location is less than 3 km air distance and just over 5 km road distance from Una River.

By endangering Una River - international waters are endangered as well.

The organizer of this petition will hand signatures over municipality officials, officials of the Croatian Parliament and others who are actively opposing the idea of ​​depositing radioactive and other toxic wast in Sisak Moslavina County.

Your voice for your green environment!

Full text of the National Strategy Implementation Program is here. (Croatian)

Summary of current status is here. (English)


From media:

6 th NATIONAL REPORT - Croatia, September 2017

European Commission May 17, 2018

Bosnian protests in Sarajevo July 29, 2019

Bosnian media “Fair Planet” August 28, 2019

Reuters September 12, 2019

Bosnian protest Croatian plans for nuclear waste site September 27, 2019

Independent Balkan News Agency February 10, 2020

Independent Balkan News Agency April 01, 2020

Balkan Green Energy News April 03, 2020

Serbia Energy April 06, 2020

#NoRadioactiveWast #GreenCroatia #NeNuklearnomOtpadu #NeRadioaktivnomOtpadu #TrgovaGora


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