No Mask Mandate for Mariemont City Schools: Let The Parents CHOOSE!

If you are for Mariemont schools to operate as mask optional for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year then please sign and forward this petition. It is indisputable that masks restrict oxygen to the brain, stunt emotional development as well as academic development and restrict interpersonal relationships. Whether or not a child wears a mask during the school day should be left up to each respective parent to decide. Each family should have the right to do their own research and weigh the pros and cons of wearing a mask. Only individual parents can be the experts in the needs of their children. Also indisputable and supported by the statistics in Ohio and in Hamilton County is that Covid-19 poses an extremely minimal risk of contraction to those under 20. To argue a year later that the science still justifies masking kids is intellectually dishonest. One family’s concern may be covid but another’s concern may be mental health. That is why mask wearing should be a choice!!!  

Let the parents be responsible for their child’s heath. The board and administration of the Mariemont School District should focus on education.

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