NO high density multi-unit bldgs on Young Avenue

With this petition we respectfully request that Halifax City Council deny opening up the Young Avenue historic streetscape to multi-residential development, and that City Council defeat the pending vote put forth by Steve Adams (Spryfield), who does not represent the wishes of those south end neighbourhood.

Rationale for this petition include the following points:

1. Why consider this when Council did an extensive public process and legislated against it with the Young Avenue LUB changes in 2017?

2. Why do this now when Council has already committed to bring Centre Plan Package B in just 10 months?

3. Why override the recent motion just months after it was passed to suspend plan amendments until Package B was complete?

4. Doesn’t allowing this reward bad behavior ie tearing down the historic buildings, which he had been offered heritage DA opportunities to redevelop and add more units if he kept the original buildings?

5. What precedent will this set for every other R-1 single family zoned neighbourhood in the city?

6. Would allowing this change then mean open season for changing the zoning anywhere in the city to suit a single developer’s speculative profit objectives?

7. Isn’t this just an attempt to circumvent the vision of Package B, before it has even been completed?

8. If this motion passes, what will it say about the ethical and moral makeup of this council?

9. Why would this particular councillor, Steve Adams (Spryfield), who does not represent the south end, and who is retiring this year, have proposed this motion?

10. If this motion passes, Is this the legacy Steve Adams (and any supporting councillors) wish to be remembered for? Stripping Young Avenue of it’s distinctive and stable and gracious single family streetscape? And to suit a single land speculator’s wishes, and against the wishes of the community? Is this what good planning means to the city?

11. Young Avenue was recently named one of the top ten Endangered Historic Places in Canada, by the National Trust of Canada, 2017.  By defeating this vote, Council will demonstrate its commitment to preserving and maintaining an important historic and beautiful streetscape.