NATO - close the sky over Ukraine. We will do the rest.

For more than a month, Russia has been killing children, bombing university buildings, and shelling maternity hospitals and kindergartens all over Ukraine.

Currently, Ukrainian defense forces are preventing this war from crossing the borders of Ukraine. However, Ukraine is not the only country that will satisfy Russia’s imperial ambitions. If Kyiv were to fall, the capitals of the European Union would be next.

We ask the leaders of the free world to help Ukraine protect the universal values and save Peace, Security, and Humanity.

We call on our partners to respond swiftly and resolutely to the needs of Ukraine to defend itself.

Finally, we plead the NATO Member States to close the sky over Ukraine and prevent mass atrocities and destruction coming from Russian airplanes.

No economic interest is more important than human lives.

NATO - close the sky over Ukraine. We will do the rest.



P. S. photoes created by Andrey Goopsa

Video created by Tetiana Holiuk


Oleksandr Biriukov    Contact the author of the petition

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