Modernize Petition Processes - Implement E-Petitions in Ontario

3498_106__TFMF_4bx2ls45ek2emzv5ou4jtx45_3652d290-c029-4807-adae-7d8b9dbbe919_0_PhotoUp.jpegTo the Legislative Assembly of Ontario,


We, the undersigned residents of Ontario, draw the attention of the House to the following:


WHEREAS, the current petitioning process in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario does not fully leverage modern technology to engage citizens;


AND WHEREAS, e-petition systems have been successfully implemented in various jurisdictions around the world, enhancing public participation in the democratic process;


AND WHEREAS, an e-petition system would make the process more accessible, efficient, and environmentally friendly, allowing for greater citizen involvement in government decisions;


THEREFORE, we call upon the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to:


1. Adopt an e-petition system as recommended by the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, ensuring it is a neutral platform hosted on the Assembly's official website.


2. Ensure this system includes safeguards for privacy, security, and authenticity of signatures to maintain the integrity of the petition process.


3. Review and amend existing standing orders to recognize e-petitions as a formal method of petitioning the government, bringing our legislative processes into the 22 st century.


4. Promote awareness of the e-petition system to the public, to foster increased political engagement and discourse.


By signing this petition, we express our support for a more inclusive, modern, and efficient way for Ontarians to engage with their government.

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