Mayfield Fees - Reduction

Re - Mayfield Summer Fees

I was surprised to read the content of the email from David Milne, Clerk to the Governors, regarding the summer term fees, considering the current COVID-19 pandemic.

This is a extremely stressful time for all, however, with the school’s doors closed, I believe Mayfield School is not offering the education and extra curricular activities that the children are used to - sending work assignments via email does not replace classroom teaching, discussion and problem solving and ultimately this is what we normally pay for.

Parents are facing tough situations with their job, reduced income, potential job losses. The parents who have the ability to work from home are having to balance this with doing the many hours of daily work for their children. Having multiple children makes this even more difficult and this is not really being appreciated by the school.

The UK Government and the World Health Organisation recognise COVID-19 as a pandemic is a highly unusual and significant event. We all want to support our community and its services to survive and continue in these most difficult of times, so not reflecting this event in the setting of the Summer terms feels quite shocking.

I would ask the school to consider acknowledging this difficult situation and to maintain and strong relationship it has with the parents with a reduction in fees.

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