Extend Fenwick Library Hours to 24/7
Petition: Extend Fenwick Library Hours to 24/7
As students of George Mason University, we advocate for extending Fenwick Library's operating hours to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This change will enhance student success, provide equitable study opportunities, and align our institution with other leading universities.
Supporting Evidence
Enhanced Academic Performance
Research indicates a correlation between extended library hours and improved student retention. A study at Kent State University found that the retention rate for students utilizing late-night library hours was 84.6%, compared to the overall university retention rate of 80.2%.
Growing On-Campus Population
As of Fall 2024, George Mason University reported a total enrollment of 40,710 students, with 29,368 undergraduates and 10,680 graduate students. The university welcomed its largest incoming undergraduate class, with more than 7,600 new students, including over 4,600 first-year students. This growing residential community necessitates accessible study spaces during late hours to accommodate diverse study schedules.
Benchmarking Against Peer Institutions
Several universities recognize the importance of round-the-clock library access:
Georgetown University: Offers 24-hour study areas on weekdays, providing students with flexible study schedules.
University of Maryland: Keeps McKeldin Library open overnight during most of the fall and spring semesters, ensuring students have access to study spaces when they need them most.
George Washington University: Maintains Gelman Library as a 24/7 facility, demonstrating a commitment to student needs.
Addressing Potential Concerns
Financial Considerations
Extending library hours will incur additional operational costs, including staffing, utilities, and security. For example, Stanford University estimated that extending their library hours would cost about $500,000 annually. Given George Mason University's total enrollment of approximately 40,710 students, the per-student cost would be modest. Implementing cost-effective strategies, such as designating specific areas as 24-hour zones and utilizing student workers or security personnel during overnight hours, can help manage expenses.
Security and Safety
Implementing measures such as controlled access, security personnel, and surveillance systems can ensure student safety during extended hours. Additionally, the increased presence of students during late hours can contribute to a safer campus environment.
Extending Fenwick Library's hours to a 24/7 schedule supports academic excellence, accommodates our growing residential population, and aligns George Mason University with peer institutions that prioritize student success.
We respectfully request the university administration to consider this proposal and take the necessary steps to implement extended library hours.
Current Fenwick Library Hours-
Monday | 8 AM–12 AM |
Tuesday | 8 AM–12 AM |
Wednesday | 8 AM–12 AM |
Thursday | 8 AM–12 AM |
Friday | 8 AM–6 PM |
Saturday | 10 AM–6 PM |
Sunday | 12 PM–12 AM |
References (APA Format)
American Library Association. (n.d.). The relationship between library usage and college student GPA. Retrieved from https://www.ala.org
George Mason University. (2024, August). George Mason University welcomes largest new undergraduate class in its history. Retrieved from https://www.gmu.edu/news/2024-08/george-mason-university-welcomes-largest-new-undergraduate-class-its-history
George Mason University Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning. (2024). Mason facts and figures 2024-2025. Retrieved from https://oiep.gmu.edu/resources/fast-facts/mason-facts-and-figures-2024-2025
Kent State University. (n.d.). Students and libraries may benefit from late-night hours. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275893114_Students_and_Libraries_May_Benefit_from_Late_Night_Hours
Stanford Daily. (2024, February 12). GSC seeks to extend Green Library hours, addresses daily investigation. Retrieved from https://stanforddaily.com/2024/02/12/gsc-seeks-to-extend-green-library-hours-addresses-daily-investigation
Stanford Daily. (2024, February 7). Students support extended library hours, ASSU survey finds. Retrieved from https://stanforddaily.com/2024/02/07/students-support-extended-library-hours-assu-survey-finds
University of Maryland Libraries. (n.d.). McKeldin Library Late-Night Hours. Retrieved from https://www.lib.umd.edu/visit/libraries/mckeldin/late
Western Washington University. (2024). Cedar Survey Research: Extended Library Access Report. Retrieved from https://cedar.wwu.edu/surveyresearch_docs/5
Layla Bizri, Undergraduate Student at GMU Contact the author of the petition