Location for floating saunas in Oslo

During 2.5 years of operations in Aker Brygge, Oslo Fjord Spa has built up a wonderful, diverse community of people. Our saunas have become a meeting place for people from all walks of life. There is a pandemic of loneliness running rampant across the modern world and we believe our saunas have become an essential “third place” for many Oslo residents; somewhere healthy outside of their work and home environment (which is often one and the same now) where they can be themselves, socialise, connect and make new friends. We would like to be able to continue to offer this to the people of Oslo and we ask that you sign this petition so we can include it in our application to Oslo Kommune for a new location in central Oslo. We thank you for all your support up until now and in the future. Through fire and ice.

Jemima Tio, Oslo Fjord Spa    Contact the author of the petition

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