Let Them Play

This petition has been created to show the Brunswick Board of Education how the residents within Brunswick County feel about students that are homeschooled and privately educated having an equal right to participate in public athletics. 
A policy is in place currently through the governing body, NCHSAA, that clearly states students that are homeschooled or privately educated CAN participate by attending 1 course at the local public school within their district. 
Unfortunately our great county is NOT following or allowing such policy. This is the cause in which we WILL all come together to see adherence to. 
I have had the opportunity in presenting our case to the Board of Education and expect them to give us a positive resolute however this petition will help drive our case and prove we are ONE within our community both from a Public, Private, and Homeschool perspective. 
We need as many signatures as possible and are reliant on YOU to come along side and no longer be silent on this topic that affects so many. 
Thanks in advance for all your support. Feel free to contact me directly if you'd like to discuss further. 

Jimmy Anderson






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