Lake of Bays, Noise Bylaw Amendments

I sign this petition requesting,  the elected council of the Township of Lake of Bays add the following items to the noise bylaw,  Lake of Bays number 2021-029.  These proposed changes are to help protect the peace and tranquility that all residents deserve and to abate the noise that is causing a severe disturbance in the home and life of my family. 

1. Addition to Schedule A. "Stationary Hydraulic Equipment must be enclosed to prevent audible sounds emanating from property, at a point of reception at a distance of 50m (165 feet) from any property line of the property upon which the building,  structure or equipment from which the noise is emanating,  is located ".

2. Addition to Schedule B. New item 3B. Construction activity in a community Zone may not take place. Monday to Saturday: 7 p.m. of one day to 8 a.m. of the next day. Sunday and Statutory holidays:  8 a.m. to noon & 6 p.m. of one day to 8 a.m. of the next day. 

Doug Gilmore, President of the Walkers Glenn Property Owners Association    Contact the author of the petition

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