KZN Netball SuperLeague Must Fall

All KZN Netball players have the right to a fair and equal opportunity to showcase their talent within the KZN Super League Space without being bullied, intimidated and treated unjustly. 

This petition was created to identify and question the unfair treatment of Netball players and the clubs they come from within the KZN Super League Netball Tournament.

As players, we demand the right to showcase our talents and participate in this tournament without being treated unfairly and experiencing extreme prejudice from the KZN Super League Board who have taken extreme measures by enforcing unjust laws in a free and all-inclusive sport that should be focused on players and their performances in the sport. 

If you are an individual that would like to see a change in how the game is played and run in KZN please sign this petition and show your support for all our Male and Female players who love the game as much as you do. 

KZN Netball Players    Contact the author of the petition

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