Koala Corridor Hallidays Point

We the undersigned strongly oppose any degradation of the remnant Koala Corridor located between Maslin Court and Scarborough Circuit, Redhead. 

Quoting directly from Mid Coast Council Biodiversity Framework 2021-2030

 “a biodiversity-rich natural environment is one of the regional goals of the NSW
Government in the adopted Hunter Regional Plan (2016)" and

"The MidCoast Council Local Government Area (the MidCoast region) is rich in natural assets and biodiversity features. The health of these underpin the well being of the community, the strength of the economy and the way of life of residents and visitors to the region."

Our koalas and other significant wildlife have been decimated by the natural disasters that have impacted our region recently.  Further loss of habitat will almost certainly lead to local extinctions. 

We demand that Council honour the committments made in the Biodiversity and Greening Strategies 2021 to "preserve, enhance and value" our natural eco-systems.  The Koala Corridor is a unique and  timely example of where Council needs to act with integrity and purpose to ensure the survival and flourishing of not only the koala, but the many other species dependent on our native trees and understorey vegetation within the corridor.

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