Keeping Melkbosstrand at its Best - Developments to adhere to our town!

Dear Melkbosstranders We NEED YOU! just your signature could make a difference! we are presenting in 3 days as many signatures as possible to ask for this Development to adhere with the melkbosstrand environment! 

If we do not do anything about it, our safety, traffic and ocean waters will be affected due to SEWAGE spills, excesive traffic and change of melkboss "village feel"

We encourage you to be part of the solution!!  SIGN TODAY! thanksScreen_Shot_2022-08-06_at_10.09_.57_PM_.png

BE AWARE of what is HAPPENING in Melkbosstrand!

Development of ERF 326/327 (Beach Road & 10th Ave)

How it will impact our Community:

● 15 units and 4 shops on the double plot

● Height and width exceeds the previous restrictions (from 11m to 14.9)

● Insufficient Parking (30+ residents plus shoppers - only allowance for 20 parking spots)

● Traffic in the area will increase radically.

● There is presently a Sewage problem in that area. Further development will only impact negatively. It must be sufficiently

addressed before allowing development.

● Verified Proof of Koeberg ‘s response to the impact of this development (and resultant similar future densification plans of

Melkbos) on the safety of residents. Until we are assured of our safety, the building should not proceed.

● Our “Village Feel” will be affected (we disagree to become the next Bloubergstrand)

How do we make this development fit with our community standards? These are some Ideas:

● To only allow residential units - not commercial units (to lower traffic issues).

● Reduce the number of units (to be in accordance with current regulations, parking restrictions, and safety for evacuation


● Fix sewage problems before any development starts (to prevent ocean pollution).

● Add room for greenery before the sidewalk (for environmental and aesthetic reasons).

● Request for appropriate consultation with Melkbos residents and Ratepayers Association prior to allowing developments that

could change the nature of our town.

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