Keep The Auckland Arms a pub

As concerned ratepayers of the Menai Bridge and the surrounding area, we call on Isle of Anglesey County Council and civic representatives:

TO RECOGNISE the Auckland Arms, Water Street, Menai Bridge plays an important role in our local community, in line with the Council’s policy objectives to support distinctive and sustainable communities, local business and services.

TO REJECT any planning applications to change the use of the Auckland Arms, Water Street, Menai Bridge and to ensure that it remains as a public house.


Fel trethdalwyr pryderus Y Borth a’r cyffiniau, rydym yn galw ar Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn a chyrychiolwyr dinesig:

I DDATGAN bod yr Auckland Arms, Stryd y Dŵr, Porthaethwy yn chwarae rôl bwysig yn ein cymuned leol, yn unol ag amcanion polisi’r Cyngor i gefnogi cymunedau nodedig a chynaliadwy, mentrau cymdeithasol, busnesau a gwasanaethau lleol.

I WRTHOD unrhyw gais cynllunio i newid defnydd Auckland Arms, Stryd y Dŵr, Porthaethwy ac i sicrhau ei fod yn cael ei gadw’n dafarn.

The Auckland Preservation Society (Community Group)    Contact the author of the petition