Keep Special Education at Randolph Middle School


We, the undersigned, have put our name to this petition because we want to keep the SAC (Special Academic Curriculum/special education) Program at Randolph Middle school.  The SAC Program has created social bonds between typical kids and special needs kids.  Having the SAC Program has made the school more diverse.  It has made the typical students at Randolph more accepting towards student with different disabilities.  Please sign to keep the SAC Program at Randolph. (Randolph Middle School is part of Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools in Charlotte, NC.)

Note: Michael McCall, a 6th grade in regular education at Randolph Middle School started this petition. Michael's brother, Ben is in the 7th grade special education program there.

Watch this video: WSOC-TV covered the story

Read this post: Keep Special Education at Randolph

Photo: Left to right: Ben, Michael

Vanessa Infanzon/Michael McCall    Contact the author of the petition