justice for kiean! the people responsible need to held accountable

FB_IMG_1706386946603.jpgPetition for Justice for Kiean

We, the undersigned, come together in grief and outrage over the tragic and senseless murder of Kiean, a 17-year-old boy whose life was taken far too soon. Kiean's lifeless body was discovered on January 7th, 2024, in Trenton, Ontario, shocking our community and leaving his loved ones devastated.

Kiean was adopted at a young age and has touched lives not only in Ontario but also across Canada, from Alberta where he was born. His birth mother and younger siblings in Alberta are deeply affected by this tragedy. Additionally, Kiean leaves behind a young daughter who will now grow up without ever knowing her father, a loss that adds another layer of heartbreak to this already devastating situation.

It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the swift action taken by law enforcement, resulting in the charging of five individuals with first-degree murder in connection to Kiean's death. However, our concern grows as we learn that two of these suspects have been released on bail pending their preliminary trial, scheduled for January 2025.

This situation has deeply shaken our faith in the justice system's ability to protect the memory of Kiean and to ensure that those responsible for his death are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. The release of any suspects on bail diminishes the severity of this heinous crime and undermines the pursuit of justice for Kiean and his grieving family.

Therefore, we call upon the judicial system and all relevant authorities to:

  1. Revoke Bail: Immediately revoke the bail of all suspects charged with the murder of Kiean to prevent any risk of flight or further harm to the community.

  2. Ensure Fair Trial: Guarantee that the upcoming preliminary trial in January 2025 is conducted swiftly, fairly, and with full consideration of the evidence that will bring justice for Kiean.

  3. Seek Maximum Accountability: Pursue the highest penalties available under the law for those found guilty of this atrocious crime.

  4. Support the Family: Provide ongoing support, both emotionally and legally, to Kiean's family throughout this traumatic ordeal.

Kiean's memory must be honored with justice. As a community, we stand united in demanding that every necessary measure be taken to ensure that the perpetrators face the consequences of their actions and that Kiean's death is not in vain.

Justice for Kiean!

courtney desjarlais    Contact the author of the petition

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