Justice for Christine

I would like to be THE VOICE of those Victims of Abuse in their own homes who are not being cared for properly and who have to suffer in silence at the hands of those who are suppose to be looking after them in the Care System. We report things but never get listened to despite the neglect we have to suffer. I myself have been the Victim of constant Injuries caused by carers in my own home and I have also been left without food and medications also. Despite myself reporting these things to Social Services, the office of the Care Companies looking after me,CQC and Police. I have Evidence which at times has been shared with those previously mentioned but treated like it doesn't matter or count and just basically ignored. At times I have also written, dated and signed Personal Statements of what happened but no complaints procedure followed by those concerned. I have friends who have also reported and witnessed things who are willing to provide evidence and go to court if necessary.

I am starting a petition to send to Government and Parliament and to get a new law in place called CHRISTINE'S LAW to stop people like myself suffering in the future. I hope you would like to help me make this happen and sign my petition. THANK YOU. 🙏👍😁

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