Investigate UQ students who have been involved in the violent incident

To Professor Peter Høj AC, Vice-Chancellor and President of UQ,

We are pleased to see your public message on Facebook to show the school has zero-tolerance for violence and intimidation. However, the violent acts from the PRC students have continually attacked both local students and students from Hong Kong when they are peacefully protesting. We urge to take actions now as follow:

1. Unbiased investigation on students who have been involved in the violent incident

2. Expelling those students who violate the UQ core values and not agree or respect the freedom of speech immediately! No delay, No warning, Expelling immediately!

3. Provide high investigation transparency

4. Provide extra resources to support students safety and counseling

5. Provide guidance and training to the school staffs and teachers when the violent happens

As a world-leading university, please show the value of UQ in action, not just theory. Students who do not respect Australia and UQ as a place with free speech should not be eligible for Australia entry and visa, nor the title of "graduated from the University of Queensland"