Instead of inhumanely seizing our pets, REPLACE Clay County's Animal control enforcer.


 I am starting this petition on behalf of the people of clay county and our beloved animals. I am petioning to remove our currnet animal control supervisor from her position at Clay County Animal Rescue and Shelter. I am unfortunately not the only person in our community whom has encountered the wrath of Britt Bailey and her power trip for money and publicity.

State laws and local ordinances may take possession of dogs and put them in a pound or shelter if a dog is running loose, or has been abused or neglected. Or by chance the animal has bitten somebody or the owner has violated the conditions by keeping a dangerous dog. If your animal is impounded, by law the shelter can hold it for NINE days, then adopt it out. IF the owner is unfound or doesnt want to reclaim their animal. It is the goal of the Truth or Consequences Animal Shelter to return all strays entering the shelter
to their owners.

Animal Control Officers are expected to conduct themselves as professionals at all times when dealing with the public. No Officer shall engage in any personal conduct that could
result in unfavorable criticism. No officer shall ridicule, mock deride, taunt, or belittle any
person. Neither shall he/she willfully embarrass, humiliate or
shame any person. They are to maintain a respectful attitude toward any person at all times. They should not handle any animal case inhumanely and use what we would consider common courtesy in certain situations.


Many of you followed the story on behalf of Chicago, and the wrongful doings prohibited by Clay County Animal Shelter. Thankfully, Chicago is back home where he belongs, although we had to adopt our own dog in order to bring him back. A boarding fee of less than $100 turned out to be over a week worth of headaches and nearly $200.  I was a day late meeting the dealine given from oct 22 to oct 28, which was only 6 days. I in return contacted the facility every day, and also advised i would not have a check until the day after the extension but i would be there to pick my dog up and pay the reclaim fees as soon as i had the money. I was treated with such disrespect, as far as being told if i wasnt there by 3 to get him he would began the adoption process and adopted to a new forever home. She even replied with laughing emojis, when i asked to pick our pet up. I called, and never received a call back so i then messaged their facebook page, for 3 days after that they would not respond. After the reclaim date expired, the response i was given was informing me Chicago had been neutured, without my approval, and vaccinated although he was current on shots. He was then immediately posted on their website and listed as adoptable. The only way i was bringing Chicago home was by adopting my already owned pup. 

This is only a small portion of Chicagos story. I had many people from our community and surrounding countys reaching out to me, and offering help with the adoption fee to bring him home. He was shared all across Facebook, along with the conversations between Britt Bailey and I. Many of those whom reached out to me, also had a back story on how they were mistreated by Bailey, or their dog was impounded but not fortunate enough to return home beings they were adopted out before they could collect the money for reclaim. 

My point in this petetion, is to have her replaced by somebody that has a heart for animals, and respect for us pet owners as well. She has handled the majority of cases in clay county inhumanely and unjustifiably. She is very rude, and unprofessional in every aspect following her role in this job postion. I hope to see others share their encounters of dealing with Bailey, and sign this petetion in removal of her Animal Rescue and Shelter title. 


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