Injustice in Rajasthan


The Executive Committee,
All Concerned Authorities and Stakeholders

Subject:Petition against injustice at the ucboa rajasthan triennial conference meeting on 15-12-2024

We, the undersigned,
Members of AIUBOF , strongly protest and demand a fair resolution regarding the series of unjust actions that transpired during the Federation Meeting held on 15th December 2024. The following points outline the key grievances and actions that have led to this petition:

1. Violation of Democratic Principles

The proceedings of the meeting were marked by a complete disregard for democratic practices. Many members were denied their rightful opportunity to speak, voice concerns, and participate in meaningful discussions. A number of decisions were made unilaterally by a few individuals, bypassing the democratic process of consensus-building and consultation with the wider membership.

2. Lack of Transparency

There was a severe lack of transparency in the decision-making process. Vital information regarding key resolutions, proposals, and agreements were either withheld or shared at the last moment, leaving members uninformed and ill-prepared to engage in the discussions. This undermines the basic principles of openness and accountability that our federation is supposed to uphold.

3. Disrespect Towards Senior Members and Leaders

Several senior members and respected leaders of the Federation were treated with undue disrespect. Their suggestions and concerns, which had been raised in good faith and in the interest of the larger body, were ignored or dismissed without proper consideration. This is an affront to the years of service and contributions made by these individuals to the growth and welfare of AIBOC.

4. Unfair Treatment of Minority Voices

The Federation's core strength lies in its diversity of opinion and representation from different sectors of the banking community. However, during the meeting on 15th December 2024, minority voices were systematically marginalized. The views of those who expressed dissent or raised concerns were either shouted down or disregarded, creating an environment of fear and suppression.

5. Breach of Trust

The leadership of AIBOC, entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the interests of all members, failed to act in a manner that reflects the values and expectations of the Federation. This breach of trust has caused severe disillusionment among the members, who have been left questioning the integrity and commitment of the leadership.

What We Demand:

  1. Immediate Review of the Proceedings: A thorough and transparent review of the meeting held on 15th December 2024, including the minutes, decisions made, and any irregularities observed.

  2. Reevaluation of the Resolutions Passed: Any resolutions or decisions that were passed in an unjust or non-transparent manner should be revisited and reconsidered in a fair and democratic manner, allowing all members the opportunity to participate.

  3. Accountability for Leadership: The individuals responsible for the breach of democratic principles, lack of transparency, and unjust treatment of members should be held accountable for their actions. A public apology should be issued to the members of the Federation.

  4. Restoration of Fairness and Respect: The principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for all members must be reinstated. Future meetings should reflect these values, ensuring equal participation for every member, regardless of their position or opinions.

  5. Formation of an Independent Inquiry Committee: An independent committee should be formed to investigate the events that transpired on 15th December 2024. The committee should be composed of representatives from across the Federation to ensure impartiality and fairness.

We, the undersigned,
Believe that the integrity of AIBOC and its mission to serve and protect the interests of bank officers across India must not be compromised. We call for urgent action to rectify the injustices that occurred at the meeting, to restore faith in the Federation, and to ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future.

Sign this petition to demand accountability, fairness, and transparency in our Federation!

#JusticeForAIUCBOF #RestoreDemocracy #FairnessForAll

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