This document consists of the text in Slovene and its translation into English. The original text in Slovene is behind the English translation.


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The individuals (ie natural persons from several cities and countries) listed below express their concern for peaceful international coexistence and the cessation and end of military conflicts around the world. That is why we are launching this initiative for the "Ukraine 2022 Peace Agreement". The purpose of the initiatve is:

- to help end the current military conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible (directly launched on 24 February 2022 by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and partly – in the context of the civil war – taking place in Donbas since 2014);

- to prevent further casualties and suffering of the people of Ukraine (including Donbas) and of military personnel involved in the conflicts;

- contribute to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. Addresse countries and

international organizations are invited to examine the following proposed possible substantive elements of the "Ukraine 2022 Peace Agreement" and use them in such or comparable form in the preparation and substantive harmonization of the final peace agreement for Ukraine, adopt it as soon as possible and start implementing it in a credible and comprehensive manner.

At the same time, the individuals listed below call on other interested individuals and organizations from the sphere of international civil society to prepare their own formulated peace initiatives and proposals, address them to the relevant countries and international organizations, and thus contribute to the objectives set out in the three indents above.  


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The signatories of this Peace Agreement are aware that a military way of resolving international and inter-ethnic disputes aimed at the victory or defeat of one or the other party involved cannot guarantee mutually satisfactory and lasting peace. On this basis, we agree that sequential steps to achieve and maintain long-term just peace in the territories where mutually hostile military operations of the Russian Federation and Ukraine took place in 2022 before the date of this Peace Agreement, including territories where armed conflicts between Ukrainian military formations and military formations of the Russian minority in Donbas have taken place since 2014, are as follows:

1. Immediate cessation and termination of all types of military conflicts and operations.

2. Immediately following the above point, the deployment of UN peacekeepers to those territories where military hostilities took place during the one month preceding the signing of this Peace Agreement (Optional addition: UN peacekeepers consist only of troops from countries that have not directly or indirectly (ie by supplying arms or military equipment) participated in the military conflicts in question.) Upon the deployment of the UN peacekeeping force, the military forces of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Russian minority in Donbas shall withdraw from the territories concerned, pending the implementation of point 12 of this Agreement.

3. Carrying out mutual exchange of prisoners of war on an "all for all" basis and exempting participants in military operations on both sides from possible criminal proceedings in connection with such operations. Exceptions to the exchange of prisoners of war and their exemption from criminal proceedings are those participants in military operations who have violated the Geneva Conventions or other international humanitarian law relating to armed conflict.

4. After the fulfillment of the first two points of this Peace Agreement, the suspension (embargo) of all supplies of weapons and equipment for the manufacture of weapons to Ukraine and the Russian Federation from third countries for the period until all other points of this Peace Agreement are fulfilled.

5. NATO accepts a legally documented commitment that Ukraine will not become a NATO member for the entire period of NATO-existence and that NATO will not deploy its military units, bases or armaments on the territory of Ukraine, nor the military units, bases or armaments of any of its individual members. (Variant addition: As with Ukraine, the same applies to Finland and other countries bordering the Russian Federation and not being members of NATO before 24 February 2022.)

6. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) accepts a legally documented commitment that none of Ukraine's neighboring countries, which was not a member of the CSTO before 24 February 2022, will become a member of the CSTO throughout its existence and that the CSTO will not deploy its military units, bases or armaments in the territories of such neighboring countries of Ukraine, nor the military units, bases or armaments of any of the individual CSTO members.

7. The Russian Federation and Ukraine shall each make their own legally documented commitments not to threaten or attack each other militarily and to settle their disputes consistently in a peaceful manner, based on the principles of international law which they both recognize. The international institutional guarantee for the implementation of these two commitments is provided by the UN Security Council (without its permanent member the Russian Federation or its possible non-permanent member Ukraine). (Variant proposal: The international institutional guarantee for the implementation of these two commitments is provided by a specially formed international body under the auspices of the UN.)

8. In accordance with established international legal principles, the Russian Federation undertakes to respect and exercise the linguistic, cultural and other national rights of members of the Ukrainian nation (people) living on its territory.

9. In accordance with established international legal principles, Ukraine undertakes to respect and exercise the linguistic, cultural and other national rights of members of the Russian nation (people) living on its territory.

10. In those Ukrainian ethnically mixed administrative regions ('oblasti') and in the Republic of Crimea in respect of which the Russian Federation and Ukraine were in dispute over their state-legal status or affiliation prior to the signing of this Agreement, referendums shall be held within one year (variant: two years) from the signing of this Peace Agreement. In these referendums, the population is free to decide whether each of the administrative regions concerned or parts of them, including the Republic of Crimea, should in the long run be either (a) an integral part of Ukraine or (b) an independent state entity or (c) an integral part of the Russian Federation. These referendums are carried out in two phases, if necessary, in the case when the result of an individual referendum in the first phase is not unambiguous, ie when it does not vote more than 50% for one of options (a), (b) or (c). The right to participate in these referendums belongs to those residents who had permanent residence in an individual referendum area on 1 January 2013. Referendums are conducted under international supervision, which is organized by the UN. (Variant addition: In the bodies for the implementation of international referendum control, representatives are only from those countries that did not directly or indirectly (ie by supplying weapons or military equipment) participate in the above-mentioned military conflicts and operations.)

11. The results of the referendums referred to in the above indent are internationally legally binding, as is the case in Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

12. After the full implementation of the results of the referendums referred to in point 10 of this Agreement, the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force referred to in point 2 shall end.

13. ... (possible additional contents of the Peace Agreement: on the impartial and independent investigation of war crimes, on the settlement of war damage, on the lifting of sanctions, on the lifting of the ban on the operation of mass media from other countries ...).  

This Peace Agreement is concluded and signed in the Ukrainian, Russian, English and French language versions. Each of the language versions of this Peace Agreement is valid.  


Signatories of the Ukraine 2022 Peace Agreement:  

Ukraine   on its behalf: ...

Russian Federation   on its behalf: ...

UN   on its behalf: ...               

NATO   on its behalf: ...

CSTO   on its behalf: ...    


Place and date of signature: ...  


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This initiative was originally written in Slovene and translated into English. The translation is attached. Translations of this initiative into other languages ​​are envisaged, primarily into Ukrainian and Russian.

We support the initiative for "Ukraine 2022 Peace Agreement":  

Name and surname: ...

City: ...

Country (State): ...

(First signatory:) Jože Kos Grabar, Maribor, Slovenia (Note: Before 1991, Slovenia was a constitutive part of the socialist federal Yugoslavia, a founding member of the international Non-Aligned Movement.)


June 2022  



– President and Government of Ukraine

– President and Government of the Russian Federation

– UN, Secretary General

– NATO, Secretary General

– CSTO, Secretary General  


For information, the initiative is received by:

– Non-Aligned Movement, Chair of the Conference of the Heads of Member States

– European Union, President of the European Commission

– President and Government of the United States

– President and Government of the People's Republic of China

– President and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

– mass media (in several countries)



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Ta dokument sestoji iz besedila v slovenščini in njegovega prevoda v angleščino.


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Spodaj poimensko navedeni posamezniki in posameznice (tj. fizične osebe iz več mest in držav) izražamo svojo skrb za miroljubno mednarodno sožitje in zaustavitev ter končanje vojaških konfliktov po svetu. Zato podajamo predmetno pobudo za »Mirovni sporazum Ukrajina 2022«. Njen namen je:

- pripomoči k čim prejšnjemu prenehanju aktualnih vojaških spopadov v Ukrajini (neposredno sproženih dne 24. 2. 2022 s strani Ruske federacije proti Ukrajini, delno pa – v smislu državljanske vojne – potekajočih v Donbasu že od leta 2014);

- preprečiti nadaljnje žrtve in trpljenje prebivalcev Ukrajine (vključno z Donbasom) in v spopade vključenega vojaškega osebja; 

- pripomoči k pravičnemu in dolgotrajnemu  miru v Ukrajini.

Naslovljene države in mednarodne organizacije pozivamo, da preučijo v nadaljevanju navedene predlagane možne vsebinske elemente »Mirovnega sporazuma Ukrajina 2022« in jih v takšni ali primerljivi obliki uporabijo pri pripravi in vsebinski uskladitvi končnega mirovnega sporazuma za Ukrajino, le-tega čim prej sprejmejo in začnejo verodostojno ter celovito uresničevati.

Spodaj poimensko navedeni posamezniki in posameznice obenem pozivamo druge zainteresirane posameznike/-ce in organizacije iz sfere mednarodne civilne družbe, da še sami pripravijo svoje formulirane mirovne pobude in predloge, jih naslovijo na ustrezne države in mednarodne organizacje ter s tem pripomorejo k uresničitvi namenov, navedenih v zgornjih treh alinejah.


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Podpisniki tega mirovnega sporazuma se zavedamo, da vojaški način reševanja mednarodnih in  medetničnih sporov, usmerjen k zmagi ali porazu ene ali druge vpletene strani, ne more zagotoviti obojestransko zadovoljivega in obstojnega miru. Izhajajoč iz tega soglašamo, da so zaporedni koraki za dosego in dolgoročno ohranitev pravičnega miru na ozemljih, kjer so v letu 2022 pred datumom sklenitve tega mirovnega sporazuma potekale medsebojno sovražne vojaške operacije Ruske federacije in Ukrajine, vključno z ozemlji, kjer so od leta 2014 potekali oboroženi konflikti med ukrajinskimi vojaškimi formacijami in vojaškimi formacijami ruske manjšine v Donbasu, naslednji:

1.Takojšnja zaustavitev in končanje vseh vrst vojaških spopadov in operacij.

2. Takoj po izpolnitvi zgornje točke napotitev mirovnih sil OZN na tista ozemlja, kjer so v času enega meseca pred podpisom tega mirovnega sporazuma potekali vojaški spopadi (variantni dodatek: Mirovne sile OZN sestavljajo vojaki samo iz tistih držav, ki niso neposredno ali posredno (tj. z dobavo orožja ali vojaške opreme) sodelovale v zadevnih vojaških spopadih.) Ob namestitvi mirovnih sil OZN se z dotičnih ozemelj umaknejo vojaške sile Ruske federacije, Ukrajine in ruske manjšine v Donbasu, in sicer za čas do uresničitve 12. točke tega sporazuma.

3. Izvedba medsebojne izmenjave vojnih ujetnikov po načelu »vsi za vse« in izvzetje udeležencev vojaških operacij na obeh straneh iz morebitnih kazensko-pravnih postopkov v zvezi s temi operacijami. Izjema glede izmenjave vojnih ujetnikov in njihovega izvzetja iz kazensko-pravnih postopkov so tisti udeleženci vojaških operacij, ki so kršili Ženevske konvencije ali druge mednarodno humanitarne pravne predpise v zvezi z oboroženimi konflikti.

4. Po izpolnitvi prvih dveh točk tega mirovnega sporazuma zaustavitev (embargo) vseh dobav orožja in opreme za izdelavo orožja v Ukrajino in v Rusko federacijo iz tretjih držav za obdobje do izpolnitve vseh ostalih točk tega mirovnega sporazuma.

5. Zveza NATO sprejme pravno dokumentirano zavezo, da Ukrajina v celotnem obdobju obstoja te zveze ne bo postala njena članica in da na ozemlje Ukrajine zveza NATO ne bo nameščala svojih vojaških enot, oporišč ali oborožitve in tudi ne vojaških enot, oporišč ali oborožitve katerekoli od posameznih članic NATO. (variantni dodatek: Enako kot za Ukrajino glede NATO velja tudi za Finsko in druge države, ki mejijo na Rusko federacijo in obenem v času pred 24. 2. 2022 niso bile članice NATO.)

6. Organizacija dogovora o kolektivni varnosti (CSTO) sprejme pravno dokumentirano zavezo, da nobena od sosednjih držav Ukrajine, ki pred 24. 2. 2022 ni bila članica CSTO, v celotnem obdobju obstoja te organizacije ne bo postala njena članica in da na ozemljih tovrstnih sosednjih držav Ukrajine organizacija CSTO ne bo nameščala svojih vojaških enot, oporišč ali oborožitve in tudi ne vojaških enot, oporišč ali oborožitve katerekoli od posameznih članic CSTO.

7. Ruska federacija in Ukrajina vsaka zase sprejmeta pravno dokumentirani zavezi, da druga druge ne bosta vojaško ogrožali ali napadali ter da se bosta medsebojne spore dosledno reševali na miroljuben način, temelječ na načelih mednarodnega prava, ki jih obe priznavata. Mednarodno institucionalno garancijo za uresničevanje teh dveh zavez zagotavlja Varnostni svet OZN (brez njegove stalne članice Ruske federacije ali njegove morebitne nestalne članice Ukrajine, seveda). (variantni predlog: Mednarodno institucionalno garancijo za uresničevanje teh dveh zavez zagotavlja posebej oblikovan mednarodni organ pod okriljem OZN.)

8. Ruska federacija se v skladu z uveljavljenimi mednarodno-pravnimi načeli zavezuje k spoštovanju in uresničevanju jezikovnih, kulturnih in drugih narodnostnih pravic pripadnikov in pripadnic ukrajinskega naroda, ki živijo na njenem ozemlju.

9. Ukrajina se v skladu z uveljavljenimi mednarodno-pravnimi načeli zavezuje k spoštovanju in uresničevanju jezikovnih, kulturnih in drugih narodnostnih pravic pripadnikov in pripadnic ruskega naroda, ki živijo na njenem ozemlju.

10. V tistih ukrajinskih narodnostno mešanih upravnih regijah ('oblasteh') in v republiki Krim, glede katerih sta bili pred podpisom tega sporazuma Ruska federacija in Ukrajina v sporu glede njihovega državno-pravnega statusa oziroma pripadnosti, se v roku enega leta (varianta: dveh let) od podpisa tega mirovnega sporazuma izvedejo referendumi. Na njih se prebivalci svobodno izjasnijo o tem, ali naj bo vsaka posamezna od dotičnih upravnih regij ali njenih delov vključno z republiko Krim dolgoročno bodisi (a) sestavni del Ukrajine bodisi (b) samostojna državno-pravna entiteta bodisi (c) sestavni del Ruske federacije. Navedeni referendumi se po potrebi izvedejo dvofazno v primeru, ko rezultat posameznega referenduma v prvi fazi ni nedvoumen, tj. ko ne izkaže več kot 50 % glasov za eno od možnosti (a), (b) ali (c). Pravico udeležbe na teh referendumih imajo tisti prebivalci, ki so imeli na posameznem referendumskem območju stalno prebivališče na dan 1. januar 2013. Referendumi se izvedejo ob mednarodnem nadzoru, za kar organizacijsko poskrbi OZN. (variantni dodatek: V organih za izvedbo mednarodnega nadzora referendumov so predstavniki samo iz tistih držav, ki niso neposredno ali posredno (tj. z dobavo orožja ali vojaške opreme) sodelovale v zgoraj omenjenih vojaških spopadih in operacijah.)

11. Rezultati referendumov iz zgornje alineje so mednarodno pravno zavezujoči, kar velja tudi za Ukrajino in Rusko federacijo.

12. Po polni implementaciji rezultatov referendumov iz 10. točke tega sporazuma mirovnim silam OZN iz 2. točke preneha mandat.

13.  ... (možne dodatne vsebine mirovnega sporazuma: o nepristranski in neodvisni preiskavi vojnih zločinov, o poravnavi vojne škode, o odpravi sankcij, o odpravi prepovedi delovanja množičnih občil iz drugih držav ...).

Ta mirovni sporazum je sklenjen in podpisan v ukrajinski, ruski, angleški in francoski jezikovni različici. Veljavna je vsaka od jezikovnih različic tega mirovnega sporazuma.  

Podpisniki »Mirovnega sporazuma Ukrajina 2022«:  

Ukrajina     zanjo: ...

Ruska federacija   zanjo: ...

OZN     zanjo: ...            

NATO     zanj: ...

CSTO     zanj: ...    


Kraj in datum podpisa: ...  


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Ta pobuda je izvorno napisana v slovenščini in prevedena v angleščino. Prevod je v prilogi. Predvideni so prevodi te pobude v druge jezike, v prvi vrsti v ukrajinščino in ruščino.

Pobudo za »Mirovni sporazum Ukrajina 2022« podpiramo:

Ime in priimek: ...

Mesto: ...

Država: ...

(prvopodpisani:) Jože Kos Grabar, Maribor, Slovenija (opomba: Slovenija je bila pred letom 1991 nekaj desetletij konstitutivni del socialistične federativne Jugoslavije, ustanovne članice mednarodnega gibanja neuvrščenih.)


junij 2022  



- Predsednik in Vlada Ukrajine

- Predsednik in Vlada Ruske federacije

- OZN, generalni sekretar

- Zveza NATO, generalni sekretar

- Organizacija CSTO, generalni sekretar


V vednost:

- Gibanje neuvrščenih, predsedujoči konference vodij držav članic

- Evropska unija, predsednica Evropske komisije

- Predsednik in Vlada Združenih držav Amerike

- Predsednik in Vlada LR Kitajske

- Predsednik in Vlada Republike Slovenije

- množična občila (v več državah)  

Jože Kos Grabar (taking into account previous comments and suggestions of 15 individuals from Slovenia)    Contact the author of the petition

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