Increasing the bricklaying rate $2.50 a common and $3.50 a face brick

Who ever charges less than $2.50 a common and $3.50 a face brick is not allowed to do business. 

even brick makers increase there rates every 3 months by 5%. And we should to. 
we are breaking our backs, tearing down our tools and trucks to make the same money as the apprentice. We need to step up and control the game more. We are the highest demand job in the industry so we should be the richest. If you have no contractor license you are not allowed to operate. If you charge less then $2.50 a common brick and $3.50 a face brick you should not be allowed to operate. We should all unite and stick to our standards. We are falling apart, being thrashed and controlled by builder who make the same profit as us without even being on the job. This is enough. We have to stand up for ourself and keep our business going.

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