Immediate death penalty if proven guilty of rape at the national level.

For years parents of not just girls, but also boys have lived in constant fear of the worst happening that could happen to their child as a product of which, the best outcome would be their child living through not just physical, but mental trauma for the rest of their lives. Yes, I am talking about rape. Nonsensically short imprisonment sentences (in many cases none at all considering the background), lower CCTV coverage than what's required to ensure safety in India, and very importantly existence of a minimum age for which a person can be given a death sentence etc have made devils in the form of man possess the notion that rape is a crime which is easy to get away from. In some cases, political influence from the state in which the case is registered alters results and falsely proves innocents to be rapists. Hence, a more centralised agency must be formed dealing specifically with rape, not associated with states of any kind but directly to the central judiciary (i.e the central judiciary is who this agency should report to and by this I mean the APPEAL cases directly come under the jurisdiction of the attorney general of India), and after thorough IMPARTIAL investigation, if the accused is proven guilty, he/she/they should be hanged immediately. In a severely overpopulated nation, granting a second chance to demons should not be a priority for the government. If you agree with my notion, please help me in moving this notion forward by signing it. Not only will this bring justice to those who lose their loved ones, but it will create grave fear in the minds of those who commit this crime with liberty. Thank you 

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