Human Rights Defenders, Women's Legal Centre OPPOSE BAIL for the accused

Cynthia Doubell, 93 years old, who was found brutally murdered and raped, in her home in Bellville South on the first day of Women’s Month, Sunday, 01 August.

Keegan Samuels, 25 years old, will appear in Bellville Magistrate Court on 19 August 2021 for formal bail hearing.

South Africa’s femicide rate is once again on the rise. According to reports, approximately 51 percent of South African women have experienced physical violence of some kind. Furthermore, a woman is killed every three hours in the country. These statistics reveal a horrible truth: women in South Africa are NOT SAFE.cynthia_doubell.jpeg


Caroline Peters, Co-ordinator, Human Rights Defenders, supported by Women's Legal Centre    Contact the author of the petition

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