Help & Support overseas Pakistanis in medical colleges admission

H.E. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, we request to note the followings:
A. Pakistan Medical Commission - PMC has made two different criteria for MBBS admission in public and pvt medical colleges e.i.
1. Criteria/weightage for admission in public medical colleges:
Metric - 10%
FSC/A Level - 40%
MDcat/ sat II - 50%
This is fair criteria

2. Criteria/weightage for admission in pvt medical colleges:
FSC/ALevel - 30%
Interview - 20%
MDCAt/sat II - 50%
20% Mark's for interview has opened door for corruption (additional undertable money, 25 - 35 lacs paid to pvt colleges) which happened during admission (2019- 2020) and PMC cancelled admissions in 57 private medical colleges.


The criteria as mention in Serial. No.1 is quite fair and same must also be implemented for admission in private medical colleges(2). This will close door of corruption for admission in private medical colleges.
It is requested to kindly issue your direction to PMC accordingly


Instead of increasing overseas seats, PMC reduced MBBS/BDS seats in punjab from 76 to 66.
As your good self always acknowledges the efforts of overseas pakistani but institutions like PMC are working against interest of overseas.
Also, overseas students have less chances of good academic institutions in overseas countries.
So, as a token of thanks, we hereby request Your Excellency to double the mbbs seats for overseas students (76 to 152) in government medical colleges in punjab and other provinces.(total mbbs/bds seats in punjab = 3400)

Your Exellency, The prime minister of pakistan
After compliments,

There is one big issue in greater public interest regarding admission of MBBS in private medical colleges.
-Annual fee before CJP saqib nisar was about 5- 6 lacs i.e 25- 30 lac for five years
-Mr saqib nisar changed to 950, 000 RS per annum (total = 4.75 million for 5 years)
-Now mafia in gov. made pakistan medical commission- pmc (instead of pmdc) through resolution in NA and pmc allowed all pvt. Colleges to fix fee at their own
-Now pvt colleges have fixed fee 9.5 to 24 lacs per annum (47.5 lac to 120.0 lac for five years) depending upon quality of colleges.
- No poor students will be able to get mbbs education from these pvt medical colleges.
-Meducal education will become the education of richest people who will recover their expenses and loot the poor patients at completion of their mbbs.
- Pmc mafia sitting in gov. belonging to pvt medical colleges are watching interest of pvt colleges (not interest of poor students of pakistan).
- If new gov. is making Niya pakistan then such mafia must be punished.
- if gov. is taking care of poor youth, then gov. must cancel all pvt. Colleges and start 2nd shift in gov. colleges or must reduce fee to 5 lacs per year(total 25 lacs for 5 years) to give fair and equal chance to all poor students on self finance with reasonable fee.
- 10% quota of seats must be allocated in all pvt colleges for poor students on merit basis and on free of fee.
Total mbbs seats:
In gov. Colleges = 3400 in punjab
In pvt colleges = 4400
- overseas are supporting pakistan and gov. but overseas seats-mbbs/bds have been reduced from 76 to 66 no.
Overseas seats my be doubles ( i.e 76 to152). Also, 5% Overseas quota (with zero or 50% fee) be fixed in Pvt medical colleges of pakistan

Rizwan Munir & pakistani overseas organization    Contact the author of the petition

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