Free Pooh

My name is William Ford known to my friends and family as Pooh I'm trying to get signatures to prove that I change I've been in jail for 18 years for a crime I committed when I was a youth that I'm deeply sorry for and wish it would've happened but now I'm trying to right my wrongs and give back to my community I need to show the board of parole that I have support in my community those who knew me then and know me now and how much I've changed and will continue to change once I'm a free man. I have a lot of ideals I want to bring to light like making a temporary service for convicted felony to be able to learn how to look for a job complete resume learn new trades and actually start new without judgement. This is just one of many ideal I would love to bring to light and I would love to give back to my community and help the youth support the families during difficult times but this my start with you please leave a signature of support from my community so I can get home and try to rebuild my life in the community that I once was a part of please share and encourage others to share and sign 

William Ford 

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